Medium Tasks:

  . Support lz4

  . Get the mouse event code out of spicemsg (and make spicemsg
    *only* about messages)

  . Change the message processing to be able to handle
    an array of ArrayBuffers so we don't have to
    use the combine function, which is presumed slow.

  . Use the 'real' DataView if we have it

  . Consider passing a status change event back to the front end
    (e.g. indicators for numlock, connection status, all that jazz)

  . Try to further Improve mouse position sends
      - We now discard motions when we're more than 2 * SPICE_INPUT_MOTION_ACK_BUNCH
        from an ack, just like the gtk client
      - Other idea 1: queue them and only send when idle, but collapse first?
      - Other idea 2: Time limit motion events

  . Shift from the simplistic Makefile to an autoconf based Makefile
    so we can try to support 'make install' on other systems.

Big Tasks:

  . Generate messages + enums from spice.proto

  . Video:
    - Need to add more video codecs and attempt to refine video

  . Explore clipboard
    - Supporting it may require unpleasant hacks

  . Fully flesh out image type support; plt, glz, and jpeg/alpha are likely
    to be real work

  . Fix the many limitations of Draw operation support (clipping, masking,
    scaling, and so on)

  . Profile the whole mess
    - Initial profiling suggests image decompression is the big hog

  . Continue to improve agent support

  . Build a test suite for measuring performance
    - Latency, bandwidth, packet loss
    - But how to quantify 'feel'?
    - Suggestion:  recordmydesktop to capture videos
        Use something like cxtest to create scripts
        Do this with varying latency/bandwidth, etc
        We can play videos side by side
        And potentially use tool like MSU Video Quality Measurement Tool
        (SSIM is the concept for measuring how much frames differ)
    - Key metric - how much cpu / memory / bandwidth per 'active' user