Remote Viewer does not work together with VirtuaWin on Windows 7
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Assigned to Pavel Grunt
I am running Windows 7 with VirtuaWin 4.4:
VirtuaWin provides virtual desktops for Windows.
I am connecting with Remote Viewer on Windows 7 to qemu-kvm-1.1.2+dfsg-6 on Debian. Qemu is running the Odin floppy image of Freedos:
I started Qemu with:
kvm -fda odin1440.img -spice port=5900,password=test
Everything works fine until I switch a virtual screen of VirtuaWin. After that the Remote Viewer window keeps black. Keyboard input is still working but no output is shown. I have to disconnect and reconnect to see the result of my keyboard input. Minimizing, maximizing and changing the size does not help.