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  • Jakub Janků's avatar
    clipboard: enable copying files to guest using webdav · f33d589d
    Jakub Janků authored and Frediano Ziglio's avatar Frediano Ziglio committed
    When an app advertises the "text/uri-list" target, the user
    probably wants to copy/move files. Spice-gtk then sends
    a grab message to the vdagent advertising the
    Vdagent can then request clipboard data in this type.
    Spice-gtk tries to talk to the app that owns the clipboard
    in its native format in order to determine the preferred
    file operation (copy X move).
    For GNOME Nautilus, that's simply "UTF8_TEXT",
    for KDE Dolphin, "application/x-kde-cutselection".
    Otherwise the generic "text/uri-list" is used that does not
    provide any additional information.
    Once the uri list is obtained from the app, spice-gtk
    creates a unique virtual dir in the ".spice-clipboard"
    directory that is designated for this purpose.
    Each file is attached inside this virtual dir using
    phodav_virtual_dir_attach_real_child(), see phodav API
    for details.
    A list of paths in the phodav server is then sent to vdagent,
    as specified in the spice-protocol.
    Such path can for example look like this:
    It is up to the vdagent to ensure that the spice shared folder
    is accessible and to set the clipboard data in a format that
    other apps understand.
    This requires new phodav with PhodavVirtualDir API.
    Signed-off-by: default avatarJakub Janků <>
    Acked-by: default avatarFrediano Ziglio <>