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Vulkan CTS

New Tests:
 * Test fragment shading rate limits and rates
 * Test dynamic topology with tessellation shaders
 * Test anisotropic filtering of single-level images
 * Re-enable protected memory tests
 * Conservative rasterization with SampleMask
 * Test zero-size unused specialization constants
 * Rename dynamic_rendering tests
 * Test blitting from compressed formats
 * Add tests for VK_EXT_primitive_topology_list_restart
 * Test more dynamic vertex input variants
 * Add more tests for YCbCr plane compatibility
 * maintenance4: Add pipeline layout tests
 * Add ClearAttachments test to KHR_dynamic_rendering
 * Add tests for vector matching
 * Improve coverage of MSAA copies with different layouts
 * Check required extension core versions
 * Add Image Store tests to BGRA images
 * Add coverage for sampling a cubemap that has been rendered to
 * Add missing items to android cts mustpass list
 * maintenance4: Add LocalSizeId tests
 * Test dynamic rendering with FSR tests
 * Test line stipple factor is ignored if not used
 * Added tests to check ignored Vk*PipelineCreateInfo members
 * maintenance4: Add requirements matching tests
 * Test multiViewport with different depth ranges
 * Test dynamic vertex stride of 0.
 * Add sample mask test for FSR
 * Add tests for VK_EXT_load_store_op_none
 * Test multiview with VK_EXT_multi_draw
 * Add more test related to early fragment tests
 * Add tests for VK_NV_mesh_shader
 * VK_EXT_rgba10x6_formats
 * Change RobustnessExt tests to use format_features2
 * Add coverage for sampling a compressed texture that has been written
 * Add image query tests for VK_KHR_maintenance4
 * Add test of vkCmdCopyImage with both layers and mipmaps
 * Added extra test case for load/store op none
 * Test vkCreateDevice with unsupported features
 * Additional dynamic depth bias tests
 * Ensure that destroying old swapchain has no effect
 * maintenance4: Add push-constant test
 * Add tests for relaxed vector matching
 * Extend multisample tests to support FSR
 * Depth/Stencil descriptor tests
 * Add additional tests for VK_KHR_dynamic_rendering
 * Tests for VK_KHR_format_feature_flags2 extension
 * maintenance4: Add maxBufferSize limit tests
 * Stencil resolve tests without samplerate shading
 * Test blitting from ASTC formats
 * Add test for finding unknown memory property flag sets
 * Update bottom AS's addresses during top AS deserialization
 * Add custom border color swizzle tests
 * Extend image tests to support formats with no formats
 * Add decoration mismatch tests
 * Test dynamic rendering with multiview tests
 * Add new tests for VK_KHR_dynamic_rendering
 * Add a batch of GraphicsFuzz coverage tests
 * Test non-Sample Shading FragCoord.xy
 * Enable Vulkan matrix determinant and inverse precision tests
 * Improve tests checking sign extension with images
 * Test OpImageQueryLod when fwidth(UV) == 0
 * Test multiview with different depth ranges
 * Test dynamic rendering with draw tests
 * Extend decoration mismatch tests
 * Test dynamic rendering with renderpass tests
 * Test VK_EXT_multi_draw with geometry and tessellation shaders

 * Remove fallback and unify testing for image clearing tests
 * Fix image requirements according to its usage
 * Add missing barrier to dynamic rendering tests
 * Wrong format in load_store_op_none test.
 * Remove dynamic rendering multiview tests
 * Fix invocation count verification
 * Prevent RT tests from going over VkPhysicalDeviceVulkan11Properties::maxMemoryAllocationSize
 * Fix DS Layout in LoadStoreOpNone when using dynamic_rendering
 * Do not chain dynamic render pass inheritance info in dEQP-VK.renderpass
 * Read stencil aspect from image in DEPTH_ATTACHMENT_STENCIL_READ_ONLY_OPTIMAL  layout
 * Improve buffer to buffer copy tests
 * Fix a GraphicsFuzz coverage test
 * Fix most dEQP-VK.sparse_resources.shader_intrinsics.* validation errors
 * Update dynamic rendering tests to separate formats
 * Do not overflow when copy data
 * Fix build on CLang failing due to -Wunused-private-field
 * Fix image transition in dynamic rendering tests
 * Partial revert of CL 8054: Fix invalid layout transitions in some dynamic rendering tests
 * Fix multisample_with_fragment_shading_rate tests
 * Fix invalid layout transitions in some dynamic rendering tests
 * Issue in serial storage address computation
 * Fix incorrect shader output format
 * Increase tolerance for matrix precision tests
 * Pause XFB during pipeline switch
 * Ensure the vertex shader matches the vertex input definition
 * Slightly increase tolerance for fp64 determinant test
 * Allow NaN result when result exceeds limit
 * Fix stencil rendering in draw_with_dynamic_rendering.multi_draw tests
 * Initialise dot product required feature struct
 * Fix warning in gcc-8
 * Update vkDeviceFeatureTest.inl
 * Add missing checking of integer dot product features
 * Fix early fragment tests validation errors
 * Portability: handle robustBufferAccess
 * Fix VkClearRect sizes for vkCmdClearAttachment()
 * Fix image view type for multiview multi draw tests
 * Don't silently drop features that were requested
 * Fix layout transitions in dynamic_rendering tests
 * dEQP-VK.renderpass*.load_store_op_none.* tests depth-stencil format support check
 * Remove unused tests from mustpass
 * Fix depth_different_ranges tests
 * Check support in synchronization operation tests
 * Change cache type to NO_CACHE in duplicate_batch_pipelines_no_cache test
 * Make dynamic rendering tests match non-dynamic
 * dEQP-VK.subgroups.*ray_tracing* missing extension check
 * Fix workgroup memory tests for int16s
 * Fix memory requirements tests for sparse images
 * Fix stencil data unpacking in dEQP-VK.fragment_operations test
 * Initialise new member of ImageTestParams struct
 * Fix fragment shading rate validation layer warning

 * Update Vulkan headers
 * Updated framework for VK_KHR_maintenance4
 * Work around bogus GCC 9 warnings
 * Notice of withdrawal of Vulkan CTS 1.2.4.x
 * Optimize image clearing tests
 * Fix Clang -Wcomma warnings
 * Use [u]int16_t in the framework
 * Remove extra semicolons
 * Use uintptr_t in the framework
 * Remove extended image format capabilities from more tests
 * Remove replacement of bool32
 * Deprecation notice for Vulkan CTS 1.2.3.x
 * Fix Android system memory requirements
 * Allow Vulkan CTS
 * Portability: fix osx target
 * Replace DWORD with uint32_t
 * Use [u]int64_t in the framework
 * Use [u]int32_t in the framework
 * Fix qpReleaseInfo generation with non-ASCII paths
 * Reorder vulkan enum elements
 * SwiftShader script improvements
 * Simplify image extend operand tests for extended formats
 * Define a framework function for getting SPIR-V format tokens
 * Wire up support for maintenance4 validation
 * Update checking of VulkanFeatures structs
 * Use [u]int8_t in the framework
 * Require to enable implicit layers
 * Framework for VK_KHR_maintenance4
 * Remove unreachable breaks
 * Add run mode that verifies amber requirements