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Vulkan CTS

New tests:
 * Add sample decorator to interpolation tests
 * Add VK_EXT_device_drm_properties tests
 * Add VK_EXT_multi_draw tests
 * Improve existing cull distance tests
 * Add tests checking Input and Resolve attachments can be the same attachment in a subpass
 * Add a batch of GraphicsFuzz coverage tests
 * Add timestamp query test variants with availability bit
 * Subgroup and workgroup reconvergence tests.
 * Tests for VK_KHR_shader_subgroup_uniform_control_flow
 * Shared memory layout tests
 * Add VK_FORMAT_B10G11R11_UFLOAT_PACK32 vertex input tests
 * Test null fragment shading rate attachment pointers
 * Add depth execution mode tests
 * Test instance matrix update after command recording
 * Test null miss shader group handles work
 * Test tracing rays from inside AABBs
 * Add a test for VK_EXT_global_priority_query
 * Add depth-stencil tests that do vkCmdCopyImage() with both image aspects
 * Test for fragment shading rate in
 * Add tests for vkCmdCopyQueryPoolResults and pipeline statistics
 * Add writing to invalid multisample indices tests
 * Add multiple statistics query tests
 * Add tests to exercise 'readonly' SSBOs
 * Tests for VK_EXT_color_write_enable
 * Tests for VK_EXT_vertex_input_dynamic_state
 * Add VK_NV_inherited_viewport_scissor tests
 * Add XFB tests for VK_EXT_provoking_vertex
 * Add tests for VK_EXT_provoking_vertex
 * Add missing vertex pipeline stores check with ray queries
 * Add vkCmdCopyQueryPoolResults() tests with dstOffset != 0
 * VK_VALVE_mutable_descriptor_type tests
 * Add new multi-planar format tests
 * New SSBO corner case test
 * Add more spir-v tests with empty structs
 * Cover array input to interpolateAtCentroid
 * Tests for image OpImageWrite on mismatched signedness and type
 * Test non-uniform args in ray tracing operations
 * Add new tests for (u)int->float conversion
 * Test buffer copies with varying offsets and sizes
 * Vulkan CTS coverage for VK_EXT_ycbcr_2plane_444_formats
 * Add primitive topologies for XFB query tests
 * Add OpImageQuerySamples with Storage Image test
 * Add early fragment tests
 * Add tests for multisample resolve to level != 0
 * Add coverage for 1D, 1D array and Cube array shadow images
 * Add subgroup testing for ray tracing pipelines
 * Test interaction between Workgroup explicit layout and zero initialization
 * Added tests for most-negative snorm values in images
 * Handle vkGetDeviceAccelerationStructureCompabilityKHR function.

 * Fix compilation issue in float_controls
 * Update extension dependencies
 * Fix 64-bit atomics mandatory feature checks
 * Fix tessellation SPIR-V tests use of Restrict
 * Fix buffer copy extents in blit tests
 * Allocate memory for reference buffer
 * Fix YCbCr linear filtering support check
 * Don't run _concurrent sync tests on 1 queue devices
 * Fix stage flags for INPUT_ATTACHMENT descriptors
 * Remove spurious feature dependencies in 1.2 tests
 * Fix feature dependency in vulkan1.2 test
 * Fix image aspect handling in fragdepth tests
 * Fix output components limit in fragment input tests
 * Check shader image atomic mandatory features
 * Properly enable Sample Shading in Fragment Shading Rate tests
 * Fix not working
 * SPIR-V 1.4 test fixes
 * Skip unsupported allocations in invariance test
 * Do not exceed heap size when allocating memory
 * Optimize the AS build tests to not use host uncached memory
 * Add missing cull flags when counting intersections of rays with triangle-based cubes
 * Check resource limits properly
 * Capture early errors on instance creation
 * Fix wait semaphore count value
 * Fix internal error for fragment stage in RT tests
 * Fix validation errors in ASTC decode mode tests
 * Invalid VkPipelineRasterizationLineStateCreateInfoEXT chained
 * Fix vertex count calculation in XFB query tests
 * Set the recursion depth for chit and miss cases
 * Check return code for vkGetAndroidHardwareBufferPropertiesANDROID
 * Check supportedAlpha is never zero
 * Do not clamp ambiguous snorms values on vkCmdCopy*() functions
 * Use arrays of pointers with non-identity matrices
 * Portability: handle vertex input stride
 * Portability: use triangle strips in amber tests
 * Portability: handle mutableComparisonSamplers
 * Require geometry shaders for adjacency topologies
 * Static code analysis fixes
 * Fix use of binary semaphore in signaled state
 * Fix condition for checking support of XFB streams other than 0
 * Make sure minImportedHostPointerAlignment in a power of 2
 * Rename all OperationId enum values
 * Fix validation error 'InputNotProduced' in Amber tests
 * Decrease 3D image size in image atomic op tests
 * Fix interfaceTypeMismatch validation errors in Amber tests
 * Augment binding tests to test acceleration structure descriptors
 * Choose linear tiling when dmabuf is used in synchronization tests.
 * Update a batch of graphicsfuzz tests to include SPIR-V TARGET_ENV
 * Fix 'implicit-fallthrough' build error on GCC 9.3.0
 * Fix RT misc tests (querying shaderfloat64)
 * Add missing rasterizationStream in pipeline creation
 * Drop unnecessary barrier
 * Portability: fix ycbcr query tests
 * Remove duplicate dataSafe function from deSTLUtil
 * Check for drawIndirectFirstInstance should only affect indirect draw calls
 * Fulfill OpControlBarrier requirement
 * Fix compilation issue in float_controls
 * Fix use of binary semaphore in signaled state
 * Fix semaphore leak in image atomic operations test
 * Revert initial layout for depth/stencil attachment in makeRenderPass
 * Check support for triangle fan primitive topology on rasterization tests
 * Accept per-sample shading in multiple interpolation tests
 * Single color buffer in multiple interpolation tests
 * Set point size in subgroup size control tests
 * Fix Protected context constructor initialization list order
 * Call computeFixedPointError only for fixed point case
 * Avoid overflowing arrays in GLSL atomic tests

 * Add an option to terminate after first failure, update READMEs
 * Add keys deqp-log-decompiled-spirv and deqp-log-empty-loginfo