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Vulkan CTS Release

Bug fixes:

 * dEQP-VK.api.image_clearing: Use the correct aspects for depth/stencil attachments
 * copy_and_blit.blit_image: loosen threshold of float/float blits
 * copy_and_blit.blit_image: fix threshold computation
 * Remove tess/geom tests relying on default PointSize
 * Relax precision in OpTextureQueryLod tests
 * Fix OpVariable position in OpInBoundsAccessChain tests.
 * Update glslang (use SampledImage with OpImageQueryLod)
 * Use tex lookup verifier in ImageSamplingInstance
 * COUNT_1_BIT is required min for sampledImageIntegerSampleCounts
 * Bugfix: use SPARSE_BINDING flag in sparse_resources test
 * dEQP-VK.sparse_resources.shader_intrinsics: OpCompositeExtract needs value id
 * dEQP-VK.sparse_resources.shader_intrinsics*gather: fix possible of-by-one errors
 * dEQP-VK.compute: Fix layout of storage image descriptor
 * Bugfix: use normalized coords in glsl sampler tests


 * Remove XML mustpass lists