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  • Nelson Benítez León's avatar
    glib: automatic handle of page's cropbox on annots · f5ff2578
    Nelson Benítez León authored
    Core poppler annot ( has cropbox offsets included
    in the coordinates of the relevant fields (rect and
    quadrilaterals fields).
    This commit makes poppler-glib API _not_ include cropbox
    offsets when providing annot info to clients (by substracting
    cropbox offsets from the read core Annot info) and in the same
    way, assumes no cropbox offsets are included in the info
    received from clients to create new annots (cropbox offsets will
    be automatically added to the corresponding core poppler Annot).
    As a result of this, existent clients (like Evince) now automatically
    work right for annotations placed in pages that have a cropbox.
    Poppler issue: poppler/poppler#129
    Evince issue: