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  • Roman Stratiienko's avatar
    drm_hwcomposer: Isolate HAL frontend part 1 · 13ae206a
    Roman Stratiienko authored
    Start calling DrmHwcTwo.{cpp,h} - Frontend
    Limit responsibility of HWC2 frontend:
    1. Deliver information from/to client and convert between android/internal
       data types.
    2. Use internal API to communicate with displays/compositors. Remove any
       composition logic from frontend module. (out of scope)
    3. Minimize ModeList logic in frontend. (out of scope)
    Define Internal Data Types:
    - Internal data types should be minimalistic and suffitient to compose
    using DRM API and V4L2 in the future.
    - Use 'Internal' prefix instead of 'DrmHwc' to make code hacking easier.
    Signed-off-by: default avatarRoman Stratiienko <>