Sqeaking / squealing sound comming from speakers
Submitted by Vicentiu Ciorbaru
Assigned to pul..@..op.org
Hello, I am running ArchLinux.
uname -a output:
Linux Vicentiu-PC 3.2.13-1-ARCH #1 SMP PREEMPT Sat Mar 24 09:10:39 CET 2012 x86_64 Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-2500K CPU @ 3.30GHz GenuineIntel GNU/Linux
I am using the following version of pulseaudio:
$ sudo pacman -Q pulseaudio pulseaudio 1.1-2
The bug manifests in the following manner. While using pidgin and having a fast conversation with a person. If there are a number of audible beeps in rapid succession the problem appears. The sound is distorted almost to a squealing state. Rarely after this happens I get 1 second of clear audio. The only way to clear the problem is to restart the system.
Another way to have the problem manifest itself is to start totem player (I am using Gnome 3). Go to System Settings, applications and quickly slide the totem player's volume from left to right. In no time the bug manifest's itself and I am unable to use the system sounds.
If the bug manifests ALL sounds are corrupted, not just the program involved.
Let me know if there is anything else that you need to be able to fix the bug.
Vicentiu Ciorbaru