pulseaudio-bash-completion.sh install unfit for completion autoloading
Submitted by Michał Górny
Assigned to pul..@..op.org
Since version 1.90, bash-completion has new completion loading code. The completion files are loaded on demand, with {completionsdir}/
{command} being sourced when a matching command is typed. This requires the completion files to be named for all commands provided by package.
Currently, pulseaudio installs a single pulseaudio-bash-completion.sh which simply does not work with this scheme. It needs to install 'pactl', 'pacmd', ..., 'pulseaudio' files instead.
This can be achieved in two ways. Either:
install a single completion file (e.g. 'pulseaudio') and symlinkother completed commands to it,
install common functions into e.g. $helpersdir/pulseaudio and separate scripts (sourcing the common functions) for each completed command.