Missing device detection with module-udev-detect with multiple server
Submitted by sam..@..il.com
Assigned to pul..@..op.org
I have multiple PulseAudio server, mainly launched with the user session. Sometimes, my external sound card (Burr-Brown from TI USB Audio CODEC) is disconnected and reconnected. When alsa/udev/pulseaudio (module-udev-detect) re-detect all related devices, these devices are shared between all the different PulseAudio server instances. In a specific user session ('foo' for example), I need to catch the input device of this sound card, but only the output device is available. However an other PulseAudio server in user session 'bar' have detected the input device, but not the output. Sometimes one PulseAudio instance have all device correctly detected, but none for the others.
Is it an intended behavior ? Did I missed something in PulseAudio configuration ?
PS : and if I kill a PulseAudio instance and relaunch it, all devices are correctly detected for this instance. I have reproduced this behavior with version 2.0 and 5.0