Kubuntu 22.04, Bluetooth Headphones connect automatically, then immediately disconnect again
On a fresh install of Kubuntu 22.04, when I turn my properly paired bluetooth headphones on they automatically connect to the system, then immediately disconnect again. The headphones thus have to be manually 're-connected' every time.
A clip from the logs, beginning with the headphones being turned on and ending when manually establishing a connection becomes necessary, is attached here logs_after_headphones_switched_on.txt.
Best as I understand it from the logs, pulseaudio showing up killed just after the device turns up as an unregistered sender ... systemd pulseaudio.service: Main process exited, code=killed_
... is responsible for the observed problem, i.e. the disconnect, probably triggered when pulseaudio restarts ... systemd pulseaudio.service: Scheduled restart job, restart counter is at 2.
So it seems either an internal pulseaudio problem, or a problem triggered by the division by 0 in the bluetooth module ... kernel traps: bluetooth[8884] trap divide error ip:7f862dc68490 sp:7f862498cc30 error:0 in module-bluez5-device.so[7f862dc66000+9000]
or some combination of the two ... but again, I'm only guessing here.
Steps to reproduce
Turn on previously paired bluetooth headphones.
What is the current bug behavior?
The headphones connect; Pulseaudio crashes, and is restarted; Headphones have to 'manually' re-connected.
What is the expected correct behavior?
Headphones connect on being turned on ... and pulseaudio not crashing ;-)