pavucontrol occasionally resizes itself horizontally
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Pertains to pavucontrol 2.0-2 from Arch repo:
After starting pavucontrol, I typically resize it to the minimum horizontal width that it accepts (which seems to be 666 pixels on my system). Thereafter, several times per hour, pavucontrol autonomously resizes itself horizontally to 917 pixels (which appears to be the "default" width, i.e. the width it comes up in upon starting.)
When this happens, I shrink it back to 666... but a little while later -- minutes usually, but sometimes hours -- ... it resizes back to 917.
Have not yet been able to identify any particular event that causes the resizing. But it seems to have nothing to do with any mouse input (or any other user action). It just happens "by itself".
This is Royal PITA.