pavucontrol - remember configuration ("Lock channels together" option status)
Submitted by Murz
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In "Output devices" tab there are a button "Lock channels together". It have pressed down as default. And I can unpress it and change each channel manually. But if I close pavucontrol window (with "Lock channels together" pressed down) and open again, I see this button as pressed! And any try to change volume per channel goes to reset all channels to the equal values. And all time that I spent to set the volume of each speaker (use 5.1 systems) I need to spend again!
I think that pavucontrol must save the "Lock channels together" state for each device after closing.
There are already exist pavucontrol.ini config file, but in it I see only: [window] width=873 height=400
Will be goot to remember all other configuration in it too. Can this be added in future versions?