Naming of degamma and gamma KMS properties
We have had many discussions on the dri-devel mailing list and other places about the correct naming of the operations that were traditionally called degamma and gamma. The terms EOTF, EOTF^-1, OETF, and OOTF have come up. Other terms might be linearization or non-linearization.
Settling on terminology is further complicated by the fact that the DRM/KMS API is intended as a general purpose API. It is up to a compositor how it wants to use the provided DRM/KMS properties. With this in mind does it make sense to use terms like EOTF, inverse EOTF, linear, or non-linear?
Another option would be to name a LUT by its position in the pipeline, i.e. pre-scaling, post-scaling, etc. But what if there are a number of post-scaling LUTs, or what about relations to other blocks, like 3DLUT or CTMs?
I don't see Uma on here but I'll reply to his dri-devel patchset with a link to this issue.