pdftohtml crash when converting pdf file that have png images in it
Submitted by Kris
Assigned to poppler-bugs
Created attachment 59592 pdftohtml VS debug
I have created a build of pdftohtml (poppler) util on Windows with MS Visual Studio 2010 and CMake, pdf file with jpg images convert fine but if pdf has a png image in it pdftohtml will crash. Tried version 0.18.4 and 0.19.2 of poppler, the same.
Any suggestions ?
[Frames below may be incorrect and/or missing, no symbols loaded for ntdll.dll]
pdftohtml.exe!PNGWriter::init(_iobuf * f=0x0fc0f538, int width=280, int height=176, int hDPI=72, int vDPI=72) Line 127 + 0x13 bytes C++ pdftohtml.exe!HtmlOutputDev::drawPngImage(GfxState * state=0x02d68a30, Stream * str=0x02d69370, int width=280, int height=176, GfxImageColorMap * colorMap=0x02d6a408, bool isMask=false) Line 1374 + 0x1f bytes C++ pdftohtml.exe!HtmlOutputDev::drawImage(GfxState * state=0x02d68a30, Object * ref=0x00c3f0c0, Stream * str=0x02d69370, int width=280, int height=176, GfxImageColorMap * colorMap=0x02d6a408, bool interpolate=false, int * maskColors=0x00000000, bool inlineImg=false) Line 1520 C++ pdftohtml.exe!Gfx::doImage(Object * ref=0x00c3f0c0, Stream * str=0x02d69370, bool inlineImg=false) Line 4558 + 0x53 bytes C++ pdftohtml.exe!Gfx::opXObject(Object * args=0x00c3f1c4, int numArgs=1) Line 4116 C++ pdftohtml.exe!Gfx::execOp(Object * cmd=0x00c3f3dc, Object * args=0x00c3f1c4, int numArgs=1) Line 856 + 0x23 bytes C++ pdftohtml.exe!Gfx::go(bool topLevel=true) Line 718 C++ pdftohtml.exe!Gfx::display(Object * obj=0x00c3f4a0, bool topLevel=true) Line 682 C++ pdftohtml.exe!Page::displaySlice(OutputDev * out=0x028f3f98, double hDPI=108.00000000000000, double vDPI=108.00000000000000, int rotate=0, bool useMediaBox=true, bool crop=false, int sliceX=-1, int sliceY=-1, int sliceW=-1, int sliceH=-1, bool printing=false, bool (void ) abortCheckCbk=0x00000000, void * abortCheckCbkData=0x00000000, bool (Annot *, void ) annotDisplayDecideCbk=0x00000000, void * annotDisplayDecideCbkData=0x00000000) Line 522 C++ pdftohtml.exe!Page::display(OutputDev * out=0x028f3f98, double hDPI=108.00000000000000, double vDPI=108.00000000000000, int rotate=0, bool useMediaBox=true, bool crop=false, bool printing=false, bool (void ) abortCheckCbk=0x00000000, void * abortCheckCbkData=0x00000000, bool (Annot *, void ) annotDisplayDecideCbk=0x00000000, void * annotDisplayDecideCbkData=0x00000000) Line 451 C++ pdftohtml.exe!PDFDoc::displayPage(OutputDev * out=0x028f3f98, int page=4, double hDPI=108.00000000000000, double vDPI=108.00000000000000, int rotate=0, bool useMediaBox=true, bool crop=false, bool printing=false, bool (void ) abortCheckCbk=0x00000000, void * abortCheckCbkData=0x00000000, bool (Annot *, void ) annotDisplayDecideCbk=0x00000000, void * annotDisplayDecideCbkData=0x00000000) Line 469 C++ pdftohtml.exe!PDFDoc::displayPages(OutputDev * out=0x028f3f98, int firstPage=1, int lastPage=37, double hDPI=108.00000000000000, double vDPI=108.00000000000000, int rotate=0, bool useMediaBox=true, bool crop=false, bool printing=false, bool (void ) abortCheckCbk=0x00000000, void * abortCheckCbkData=0x00000000, bool (Annot *, void ) annotDisplayDecideCbk=0x00000000, void * annotDisplayDecideCbkData=0x00000000) Line 484 C++ pdftohtml.exe!main(int argc=2, char * * argv=0x029d53f8) Line 420 C++ pdftohtml.exe!__tmainCRTStartup() Line 555 + 0x19 bytes C pdftohtml.exe!mainCRTStartup() Line 371 C kernel32.dll!75de339a()