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Fix thread safety of FT_New_Face, FT_New_Memory_Face and FT_Done_Face

Michal requested to merge miso/poppler:thread_safe_new_done_face into master

As is stated in

"In multi-threaded applications it is easiest to use one FT_Library object per thread. In case this is too cumbersome, a single FT_Library object across threads is possible also, as long as a mutex lock is used around FT_New_Face and FT_Done_Face."

It is not well possible to use FT_Library object per thread because cairo can call _ft_done_face_uncached from any thread so this patch adds proper mutex locking around FT_New_Face, FT_New_Memory_Face and FT_Done_Face. Mutex is defined alongside FT_Library.

Unfortunately this patch depends on !798 (closed) because it touches similar regions.

Edited by Michal

Merge request reports
