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Warn when modifying shared instances of Array and Dict to prepare for implicit sharing.

Adam Reichold requested to merge (removed):warn-array-shared-modification into master

This is triggered by the existing unit tests as expected, e.g.

5: QDEBUG : TestAnnotations::checkFontSizeAndColor() "Error: Attempting modification of shared instance of Dict which will break with implicit sharing."
5: QDEBUG : TestAnnotations::checkFontSizeAndColor() "Error: Attempting modification of shared instance of Array which will break with implicit sharing."
5: QDEBUG : TestAnnotations::checkFontSizeAndColor() "Error: Attempting modification of shared instance of Dict which will break with implicit sharing."
5: QDEBUG : TestAnnotations::checkFontSizeAndColor() "Error: Attempting modification of shared instance of Dict which will break with implicit sharing."

and I'll try to prepare fixes in separate follow-up MR.

Merge request reports