FreeText annotation ignores font
Submitted by Phil
Assigned to poppler-bugs
Created attachment 103449 Annotation example
I have been creating PDFs dynamically, with FreeText and signature annotations. When shown in Evince, FreeText annotations generally show as I formatted them, but they ignore a specified True Type font. Adobe Reader with the same document shows the font correctly.
Note: I originally submitted this bug with Evince, not realizing that Poppler was the PDF frontend for the application. Hopefully I made it to the right place this time.
In the attached example, the yellow block is a FreeText annotation. The font which appears in the first line of the document as "Test this font" is also applied to the FreeText annotation. As you can see, the default Helvetica font is what is actually displayed in the yellow annotation, when it should match the font in the "Test this font" line. Other than that, font size, color and position seems to be applied correctly.
Not a horrible bug, but when adding annotations as I am to go with signatures, the lack of the TT font makes things look a little clunky.
BTW, I'm running up to date Ubuntu, Evince 3.10, and generating the PDF with Ruby Prawn gem, and adding the annotations with Ruby Origami PDF gem.
Let me know if I can provide any additional information.
Attachment 103449, "Annotation example":