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audioconvert/fmtconvert: assume F32 on the other port when listing formats

This allows picking F32LE as the default format on links that have no restriction and it avoids failing negotiation when the restricted end cannot handle S16/F32/F32P

For instance this pipeline would previously fail:

  audio-dsp mode=merge ! audio-dsp mode=convert ! alsa-sink
old negotiation:     S16LE                   S24_32LE
new negotiation:     F32LE                   S24_32LE

The link between the audio-dsp nodes has no restriction, so previously it would negotiate S16LE, which would then fail to negotiate with alsa-sink because fmtconvert does not know how to convert S16LE to S24_32LE directly.

With this change, the middle link negotiates to F32LE, which can be converted to anything.

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