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  • Arkadiusz Hiler's avatar
    Make email addresses for incoming emails case-insensitive · 0181a3ec
    Arkadiusz Hiler authored
    Quoting RFC: "However, exploiting the case sensitivity of mailbox
    local-parts impedes interoperability and is discouraged."
    Most of the existing software is threating the local part (i.e. the
    thing before @) of emails as case insensitive.
    Some people use different capitalization at different times, e.g. with git-send-email and with their regular client.
    To mitigate this Person's email is now case insensitive for the sake of
    searching and normalized to lower case pre_save.
    It's not perfect by any means and still can be bypassed by doing
    .update() on the QuerySet, but will work in most of the usual cases.
    Tests and migration deduplicating existing entries are provided.
    Fixes: #32
    Signed-off-by: default avatarArkadiusz Hiler <>