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  • Gert Wollny's avatar
    mesa/core: Add definitions and translations for EXT_texture_sRGB_R8 · b8e9c652
    Gert Wollny authored and Gert Wollny's avatar Gert Wollny committed
    v2: - fix format definition line
        - disable  for desktop GL
        - don't add GL_R8_EXT to glext.h since it is already in
          GLES2/gl2ext.h in glext.h and include this header  where needed
          (all Emil)
    v3: - swrast: Fill the function table for sRGB_R8
          The size of the function table is checked at compile time and must
          correspond to the number of mesa texture formats.
          dri/swrast being gles-2.0 doesn't support the extension though
    v4: - correct format layout comment (Ilia Mirkin)
        - correct logic for accepting GL_RED only textures (in part Ilia Mirkin)
          EXT_texture_sRGB_R8 requires OpenGL ES 3.0 which includes
          ARB_texture_rg/EXT_texture_rg, so one only must check for the first
          when SR8_EXT is really requested.
    v5: - add define for GL_ES8_XT to glheader.h and don't include GLES
          headers  (Ilia Mirkin)
    Signed-off-by: default avatarGert Wollny <>
    Reviewed-by: default avatarIlia Mirkin <>