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  • Oleg Vasilev's avatar
    runner: add --list-all and --blacklist · 29697c5d
    Oleg Vasilev authored and Petri Latvala's avatar Petri Latvala committed
    Currently, runner already collects all subtest names into job_list.
    --list-all allows to output it to stdout.
    --blacklist option takes a filename as an argument and adds all regexes
    from that file to the exclusion list.
     - Update exclude/include regex matches for tests without
    	subtests to be matched with pigtit-like name (Petri)
     - Replace relative paths with those formatted with testdatadir (Petri)
     - Minor codestyle changes
     - Print test names in lowercase (Petri)
     - Replaced custom str_to_lower with generate_piglit_name (Petri)
     - Minor codestyle changes
    Cc: Petri Latvala <>
    Signed-off-by: default avatarOleg Vasilev <>
    Reviewed-by: default avatarPetri Latvala <>