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  • Andy Wingo Wingo's avatar
    ext/ladspa/gstladspa.*: Halfway-ported. Doesn't compile yet. · 0582ab12
    Andy Wingo Wingo authored
    Original commit message from CVS:
    2005-08-25  Andy Wingo  <>
    * ext/ladspa/gstladspa.h:
    * ext/ladspa/gstladspa.c: Halfway-ported. Doesn't compile yet.
    * ext/ladspa/gstsignalprocessor.h:
    * ext/ladspa/gstsignalprocessor.c: New files, the start of a base
    class for DSP elements.
    * Sort the external libs checks, add a ladspa check,
    output the ladspa makefile.