diff --git a/index.md b/index.md
index 79052f2a8e1523a65f241d9690470e0a73a8ba21..fd786133f3322472185f0a7bdfb05230d5238a54 100644
--- a/index.md
+++ b/index.md
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 Monado is an open source XR runtime delivering immersive experiences such as VR
 and AR on mobile, PC/desktop, and other devices. Monado aims to be a complete
 and conformant implementation of the OpenXR API made by Khronos. The project
-is currently being developed for GNU/Linux and aims to support other operating
-systems such as Windows in the near future.
+is currently being developed for GNU/Linux, Android and Windows.
+Most of the included VR hardware drivers are limited to Linux at this time.
+On Android Monado comes with support for the built in IMU of most smartphones to
+enable 3DoF experiences, similar to Google Cardboard.
+On Windows, mostly simulated HMD and controller drivers are usable. Direct Mode
+access for existing HMDs when not using NDA APIs remains a major blocker.
 ## Important links
 * Source code: <https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/monado/monado>
-* GSoC 2023: [Proposal guide](https://monado.freedesktop.org/gsoc-proposal-guide.html)
-  and [project ideas](https://monado.freedesktop.org/gsoc-2023.html).
 * Matrix space: <https://matrix.to/#/#monado:matrix.org>
 * Discord server: <https://discord.gg/8RkJgRJ>
 * IRC channel: [#monado](https://webchat.oftc.net/?channels=monado) on
@@ -30,8 +35,8 @@ systems such as Windows in the near future.
 ## Highlights
 * [Officially an OpenXR conformant implementation](https://www.collabora.com/news-and-blog/news-and-events/monado-2100-officially-conformant-openxr-implementation.html) of the [OpenXR API](https://www.khronos.org/openxr)
-  * Supports Vulkan, OpenGL and Headless applications
-  * Full support for Local, Stage and Action space relations
+  * Supports Vulkan, OpenGL & ES, D3D11 (Windows only), D3D12 (Windows only), and Headless applications
+  * Full support for Local, Stage, Local Floor, and Action space relations
   * Action based input
   * OpenXR Extensions:
     * XR_KHR_convert_timespec_time
@@ -43,15 +48,17 @@ systems such as Windows in the near future.
     * XR_KHR_swapchain_usage_input_attachment_bit / XR_MND_swapchain_usage_input_attachment_bit
     * XR_MNDX_egl_enable - Alternative to XR_KHR_opengl_enable and XR_KHR_opengl_es_enable on Desktop
     * XR_KHR_android_create_instance, XR_KHR_loader_init and XR_KHR_loader_init_android - android specific
-* 6DoF tracking, initial implementation for PSVR and PS Move controllers
-  * Outside-in tracking framework with stereo cameras such as PS4 camera
-  * Work in progress on outside-in tracking with mono cameras such as consumer webcams
+    * And many more. See the EXTENSIONS list in [this script](https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/monado/monado/-/blob/main/scripts/generate_oxr_ext_support.py) for the full list of extensions Monado can currently support
+* 6DoF tracking
+  * PSVR and PS Move controllers: Outside-in tracking framework with stereo cameras such as PS4 camera
+    * Work in progress on outside-in tracking with mono cameras such as consumer webcams
+  * Inside-out (VIO/SLAM) tracking using [an improved basalt fork](https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/mateosss/basalt/) with all supported stereo or more cameras such as Windows Mixed Reality, Oculus Rift S, Valve Index
 * Video stream and filter framework for tracking components
 * [Initial Android support](https://www.collabora.com/news-and-blog/news-and-events/monado-update-passing-conformance-android-support-and-more.html)
   * Cardboard viewer
 * XR Compositor
   * [Direct mode on AMD, NVidia and Intel GPUs]({% link direct-mode.md %})
-  * Mesh based distortion with generators for Panotools and Vive/Index parameters
+  * Mesh based distortion with generators for various supported HMDs such as Vive/Index parameters, Windows Mixed Reality, OpenHMD's Panotools
   * Supports multiple simultaneous projection layers and quad layers
 * Driver framework allowing easy integration of existing drivers
   * Out of the box support for multiple XR devices with open source drivers
@@ -60,48 +67,50 @@ systems such as Windows in the near future.
 These are the XR devices that are natively supported with open source drivers in Monado
-| Device | Rotation | Position | Distortion Correction | Additional Notes |
-| OSVR HDK 1.x, 2.x | Yes | No | No | Requires workaround on AMD GPUs[^yuv_edid]. Firmware fix available[^hdk_edid_fix] |
-| HTC Vive | Yes | LH 1.0: No | Yes | Supported by OpenHMD, Monado "vive", or Monado "survive" |
-| HTC Vive Pro | Yes | LH 1.0: No, LH 2.0: Early WIP| Yes | Supported by OpenHMD, Monado "vive", or Monado "survive" |
-| Valve Index | Yes | LH 1.0: No, LH 2.0: Early WIP | Yes | Supported by Monado "vive", or Monado "survive" |
-| North Star | Yes, with Intel Realsense T265* | Yes, with Intel Realsense T265* | Yes, 3D and 2D/Polynomial | |
-| Oculus Rift S | Yes | Experimental*, for headset | Imperfect | Controllers are rotationally tracked only |
-| PSVR | Yes | [Yes, with PS4 camera or generic stereo camera]({% link positional-tracking-psmove.md %}) | Yes | distortion correction is WIP. Requires workaround on AMD GPUs[^yuv_edid]. |
-| Playstation Move | Yes | [Yes, with PS4 or generic stereo camera]({% link positional-tracking-psmove.md %}) | - | rotational drift correction is WIP |
-| Hydra Controller | Yes | Yes | - | |
-| Daydream Controller | Yes | - | - | |
-| DIY arduino controller | Yes | - | - | |
-| Windows MR | Yes | Experimental* | Yes | HMD only, no controllers. Tested: HP Reverb, HP Reverb G2, Samsung Odyssey, Lenovo Explorer, others: *maybe*. |
-| Xreal Air | Yes | - | - | |
-| Xreal Air 2 | Yes | - | - | |
-| Xreal Air 2 Pro | Yes | - | - | |
-\* _Experimental 6DoF tracking support with external SLAM/VIO systems is upstreamed but still being worked on. Tested with RealSense D455 and Samsung Odyssey+, Reverb G2, Oculus Rift S._
+| Device | Tracking | OS  | Notes |
+| OSVR HDK 1.x, 2.x | 3DoF | Linux | Requires workaround on AMD GPUs[^yuv_edid]. Firmware fix available[^hdk_edid_fix]. No distortion correction, [distortion correction WIP available](https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/monado/monado/-/merge_requests/2198]) |
+| HTC Vive, HTC Vive Pro, Valve Index ("vive driver)| 3DoF, or 6DoF with Monado Basalt (Valve Index only) | Linux | |
+| North Star | 6DoF with Intel Realsense T265 on-device tracking, 6DoF with Monado Basalt | Linux | Both 3D and 2D/Polynomial distortion correction supported. |
+| Oculus Rift S | 6Dof with Monado Basalt | Linux | Controllers are 3DoF only [WIP 6DoF controller tracking branch available](https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/thaytan/monado/-/commits/dev-constellation-controller-tracking/). Imperfect distortion correction. |
+| PSVR | 3DoF, or [6DoF with PS4 camera or generic stereo camera]({% link positional-tracking-psmove.md %}) | Linux | distortion correction is WIP. Requires workaround on AMD GPUs[^yuv_edid]. |
+| Playstation Move | 3DoF, or [6DoF with PS4 or generic stereo camera]({% link positional-tracking-psmove.md %}) | Linux | rotational drift correction is WIP |
+| Hydra Controller | 6DoF | Linux | 6DoF tracking on device in firmware |
+| Daydream Controller | 3DoF | Linux | |
+| DIY arduino controller | 3DoF | Linux | |
+| Windows MR | 3DoF, or 6DoF with Monado Basalt | Linux, [Windows WIP, no direct mode](https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/monado/monado/-/issues/466#note_2733388) | Tested: HP Reverb, HP Reverb G2, Samsung Odyssey, Lenovo Explorer, others: *maybe*. Controllers are 3DoF only [WIP 6DoF controller tracking branch available](https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/thaytan/monado/-/commits/dev-constellation-controller-tracking/) |
+| Xreal Air | 3DoF | Linux | |
+| Xreal Air 2 | 3DoF | Linux | |
+| Xreal Air 2 Pro | 3DoF | Linux | |
+\* [Monado Basalt](https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/mateosss/basalt/): _Experimental 6DoF tracking support with external SLAM/VIO systems._
 Monado also leverages the open source drivers developed by the OpenHMD community
 for further HMD support.
 See the [OpenHMD support matrix](http://www.openhmd.net/index.php/devices/)
-for a list of devices supported through OpenHMD.
+for a list of devices supported through OpenHMD. Most notably, OpenHMD supports
+the Oculus Rift CV1 and Nolo CV1.
 The Direct-Tek WVR2 / VR-Tek Windows VR Glasses with the 2560x1440 resolution
 supported through OpenHMD requires a workaround on AMD GPUs[^yuv_edid].
-Other 3rd party open source drivers Monado currently wraps are
+XR devices that are supported by wrapping 3rd party open source drivers
-| 3rd party driver | Device | Rotation | Position | Distortion Correction | Additional Notes |
-| [libsurvive](https://github.com/cntools/libsurvive) | HTC Vive | Yes | Yes | Yes | [survive]({% link libsurvive.md %}) driver must be enabled at build time |
-| [libsurvive](https://github.com/cntools/libsurvive) | HTC Vive Pro | Yes | Yes | Yes | [survive]({% link libsurvive.md %}) driver must be enabled at build time |
-| [libsurvive](https://github.com/cntools/libsurvive) | Valve Index | Yes | Yes | Yes | [survive]({% link libsurvive.md %}) driver must be enabled at build time |
-| [librealsense](https://github.com/IntelRealSense/librealsense) | T265 realsense | Yes | Yes | - | proprietary on-device SLAM tracking |
+| Device | 3rd party driver | Tracking | Additional Notes |
+| HTC Vive, HTC Vive Pro, Valve Index | [libsurvive](https://github.com/collabora/libsurvive) | 6DoF with Lighthouse 1.0 and 2.0 | [survive]({% link libsurvive.md %}) driver must be enabled at build time |
+| T265 realsense | [librealsense](https://github.com/IntelRealSense/librealsense) | 6Dof with proprietary on-device SLAM tracking |
 Proprietary 3rd party drivers can also be integrated. Monado currently wraps these
-| proprietary 3rd party driver | Device | Rotation | Position | Distortion Correction | Additional Notes |
-| Ultraleap v2 | Leap Motion Controller | Yes | Yes | - | |
+| Device | proprietary 3rd party driver | Tracking | Additional Notes |
+| Leap Motion Controller | Ultraleap v2 | 6DoF Hand Tracking |  |
+| HTC Vive, HTC Vive Pro, Valve Index | steamvr_lh | 6DoF with Lighthouse 1.0 and 2.0 | Wraps SteamVR's proprietary lighthouse tracking |
+See also the XR Devices table in the [LVRA Wiki](https://lvra.gitlab.io/docs/hardware/#xr-devices) that also includes WIP and out of tree drivers.
 ### So what does that mean?