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Hdk cam prober

Rylie Pavlik requested to merge hdk-cam-prober into montrack

To round out my "tour of the prober" I tried the UVC-detecting abilities by adding a UVC camera I had laying around on my desk. Right now it's just using it as an indication to create the corresponding mt device, but it does appear to at least somewhat work in the prober test app!

	 10: 0x0bda:0x57e8
		ptr:          0xb54e30
		usb.bus:      3
		usb.addr:     30
		libusb:       0xb6bd10
		ports:        1.2.4
		libuvc:       0xb6b0d0
		product:      'USB Camera'
		manufacturer: 'Generic'
		serial:       '200901010001'


 :: Selecting device!
creating uvc frameserver
counting formats
unsupported descriptor subtype VS_STILL_IMAGE_FRAME
unsupported descriptor subtype VS_COLORFORMAT
Found format: 1 FOURCC MJPG
W 640 H 480
rate: 100000 100.000002
returning formats
unsupported descriptor subtype VS_STILL_IMAGE_FRAME
unsupported descriptor subtype VS_COLORFORMAT
Found format: 1 FOURCC MJPG
W 640 H 480
rate: 100000 100.000002
Got 2 sources
ERROR: tracker rejected frameserver configuration!
WARNING: device does not support setting frame intervals
WARNING: device does not support setting frame intervals
FORMAT: Motion-JPEG 47504a4d 1
FPS: 100.000000 100000
counting available source descriptors - 2
WARNING: device does not support setting frame intervals
WARNING: device does not support setting frame intervals
FORMAT: Motion-JPEG 47504a4d 1
FPS: 100.000000 100000
ERROR: unknown pixelformat encountered
ERROR: tracker rejected frameserver configuration!
	Found 'External Device'
 :: All ok, shutting down.
 :: Exiting '0'
Edited by Rylie Pavlik

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