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remove pano and vive shaders from compositor

Christoph Haag requested to merge haagch/monado:comp_remove_shaders into master

Follow up to !536 (merged). It actually broke openhmd distortion, fd883e26 fixes it.

Remove panotools and vive shader. Refactor mesh generation a little.

The "none" distortion shader is left in the compositor, it does only flipping of opengl textures etc. but no distortion. Drivers that succesfully set XRT_DISTORTION_MODEL_NONE as preferred distortion model use this shader instead of mesh distortion. This shader may be slightly more performant than mesh distortion (?) and it could serve as an example to integrate other distortion models.

When drivers set XRT_DISTORTION_MODEL_COMPUTE as preferred distortion and e.g. NULL as xdev::compute_distortion, then the default mesh generator function for "no distortion" gets invoked and the mesh shader with no distortion values is used.

Not entirely sure if bc7a9489 is correct.

Merge request reports