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Handle activate session transition

While there's new client (application) connected to the server, the active_client_index should be set to the latest client id.

Test device

Pixel 4 Android S

Test applications

HelloXR (GLES)/HelloXR (VK)/teapot

Test scenario

While HelloXR (GLES) is running, start another application via adb command:

adb shell am start -n com.khronos.openxr.hello_xr.vulkan/
adb shell am force-stop com.khronos.openxr.hello_xr.vulkan

adb shell am start -n com.sample.teapotxr/com.sample.teapot.TeapotNativeActivity
adb shell am force-stop com.sample.teapotxr

Launcher scenario

HelloXR (GLES) -> Launch HelloXR (VK) -> Stop HelloXR (VK) -> Launch teapot -> Stop teapot

HelloXR (GLES) is functional after other application stopped.

Sequential launch scenario

HelloXR (GLES) -> HelloXR (VK) -> Teapot -> Stop teapot -> Stop HelloXR (VK)

HelloXR (GLES) is functional after other application stopped.

Edited by Jarvis Huang

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