build,meson: mm_port_serial_at_command: assertion 'MM_IS_PORT_SERIAL_AT (self)' failed
After updating modemmanager and libmm-glib from 1.16.10-1 -> 1.18.0-1 on an Arch Linux system I cannot get a connection with my USB LTE Modem Huawei E3372 anymore (with NetworkManager 1.32.10). Downgrading modemmanager and libmm-glib to 1.16.10 and it works again.
Here is the systemd journal output from ModemManager 1.16.10: mm-1.16.10.txt
and from 1.18.0 (with the log line mentioned in the issue title): mm-1.18.0.txt
With 1.16.10 the device is shown as "cdc-wdm0" in "nmcli device show" but With MM 1.18.0 the device is missing.
And here is the device info from dmesg: huawei-e3372.txt