Stale Operator ID retrieved by libmm
I have mmcli output being monitored and it shows that device is in 50501 network:
But qmicli nas-get-serving-system shows that modem is in 50502 network:
MM log shows that MM receives the ff serving system indications during the network switch but it MM does not process the indication correctly:
ModemManager[50638]: [/dev/cdc-wdm0] received generic indication (translated)...
<<<<<< QMUX:
<<<<<< length = 33
<<<<<< flags = 0x80
<<<<<< service = "nas"
<<<<<< client = 4
<<<<<< QMI:
<<<<<< flags = "indication"
<<<<<< transaction = 7
<<<<<< tlv_length = 21
<<<<<< message = "Serving System" (0x0024)
<<<<<< TLV:
<<<<<< type = "Serving System" (0x01)
<<<<<< length = 6
<<<<<< value = 02:02:02:00:01:00
<<<<<< translated = [ registration_state = 'not-registered-searching' cs_attach_state = 'detached' ps_attach_state = 'detached' selected_network = 'unknown' radio_interfaces = '{
<<<<<< TLV:
<<<<<< type = "Data Service Capability" (0x11)
<<<<<< length = 1
<<<<<< value = 00
<<<<<< translated = {}
<<<<<< TLV:
<<<<<< type = "Detailed Service Status" (0x22)
<<<<<< length = 5
<<<<<< value = 00:03:00:00:00
<<<<<< translated = [ status = 'none' capability = 'cs-ps' hdr_status = 'none' hdr_hybrid = 'no' forbidden = 'no' ]
ModemManager[50638]: <debug> [1591834014.795296] No 3GPP info given...
ModemManager[50638]: <debug> [1591834014.795338] building consolidated registration state: cs 'searching', ps 'home', eps 'home' --> 'home'
ModemManager[50638]: <debug> [1591834014.795372] building consolidated registration state: cs 'searching', ps 'searching', eps 'home' --> 'home'
ModemManager[50638]: [/dev/cdc-wdm0] received generic indication (translated)...
<<<<<< QMUX:
<<<<<< length = 58
<<<<<< flags = 0x80
<<<<<< service = "nas"
<<<<<< client = 4
<<<<<< QMI:
<<<<<< flags = "indication"
<<<<<< transaction = 8
<<<<<< tlv_length = 46
<<<<<< message = "Serving System" (0x0024)
<<<<<< TLV:
<<<<<< type = "Serving System" (0x01)
<<<<<< length = 6
<<<<<< value = 02:02:02:02:01:05
<<<<<< translated = [ registration_state = 'not-registered-searching' cs_attach_state = 'detached' ps_attach_state = 'detached' selected_network = '3gpp' radio_interfaces = '{ [0
<<<<<< TLV:
<<<<<< type = "Data Service Capability" (0x11)
<<<<<< length = 1
<<<<<< value = 00
<<<<<< translated = {}
<<<<<< TLV:
<<<<<< type = "Current PLMN" (0x12)
<<<<<< length = 5
<<<<<< value = F9:01:02:00:00
<<<<<< translated = [ mcc = '505' mnc = '2' description = '' ]
<<<<<< TLV:
<<<<<< type = "Detailed Service Status" (0x22)
<<<<<< length = 5
<<<<<< value = 01:01:00:00:00
<<<<<< translated = [ status = 'limited' capability = 'cs' hdr_status = 'none' hdr_hybrid = 'no' forbidden = 'no' ]
<<<<<< TLV:
<<<<<< type = "UMTS Primary Scrambling Code" (0x28)
<<<<<< length = 2
<<<<<< value = B0:00
<<<<<< translated = 176
<<<<<< TLV:
<<<<<< type = "MNC PCS Digit Include Status" (0x29)
<<<<<< length = 5
<<<<<< value = F9:01:02:00:00
<<<<<< translated = [ mcc = '505' mnc = '2' includes_pcs_digit = 'no' ]
<<<<<< TLV:
<<<<<< type = 0x2a
<<<<<< length = 1
<<<<<< value = 00
ModemManager[50638]: <debug> [1591834015.274532] Processing 3GPP info...
ModemManager[50638]: <debug> [1591834015.274562] building consolidated registration state: cs 'idle', ps 'searching', eps 'home' --> 'home'
ModemManager[50638]: <debug> [1591834015.274582] building consolidated registration state: cs 'idle', ps 'idle', eps 'home' --> 'home'
ModemManager[50638]: [/dev/cdc-wdm0] received message...
<<<<<< RAW:
<<<<<< length = 49
<<<<<< data = 01:30:00:80:03:04:04:09:00:24:00:24:00:01:06:00:02:02:02:02:01:05:10:01:00:00:11:01:00:00:15:03:00:01:05:00:22:05:00:01:03:00:00:00:28:02:00:B0:00
ModemManager[50638]: [/dev/cdc-wdm0] received generic indication (translated)...
<<<<<< QMUX:
<<<<<< length = 48
<<<<<< flags = 0x80
<<<<<< service = "nas"
<<<<<< client = 4
<<<<<< QMI:
<<<<<< flags = "indication"
<<<<<< transaction = 9
<<<<<< tlv_length = 36
<<<<<< message = "Serving System" (0x0024)
<<<<<< TLV:
<<<<<< type = "Serving System" (0x01)
<<<<<< length = 6
<<<<<< value = 02:02:02:02:01:05
<<<<<< translated = [ registration_state = 'not-registered-searching' cs_attach_state = 'detached' ps_attach_state = 'detached' selected_network = '3gpp' radio_interfaces = '{ [0
<<<<<< TLV:
<<<<<< type = "Roaming Indicator" (0x10)
<<<<<< length = 1
<<<<<< value = 00
<<<<<< translated = on
<<<<<< TLV:
<<<<<< type = "Data Service Capability" (0x11)
<<<<<< length = 1
<<<<<< value = 00
<<<<<< translated = {}
<<<<<< TLV:
<<<<<< type = "Roaming Indicator List" (0x15)
<<<<<< length = 3
<<<<<< value = 01:05:00
<<<<<< translated = { [0] = '[ radio_interface = 'umts' roaming_indicator = 'on' ] '}
<<<<<< TLV:
<<<<<< type = "Detailed Service Status" (0x22)
<<<<<< length = 5
<<<<<< value = 01:03:00:00:00
<<<<<< translated = [ status = 'limited' capability = 'cs-ps' hdr_status = 'none' hdr_hybrid = 'no' forbidden = 'no' ]
<<<<<< TLV:
<<<<<< type = "UMTS Primary Scrambling Code" (0x28)
<<<<<< length = 2
<<<<<< value = B0:00
<<<<<< translated = 176
ModemManager[50638]: <debug> [1591834015.338560] Processing 3GPP info...
ModemManager[50638]: <debug> [1591834015.338595] building consolidated registration state: cs 'idle', ps 'idle', eps 'home' --> 'home'
ModemManager[50638]: <debug> [1591834015.338622] building consolidated registration state: cs 'idle', ps 'idle', eps 'home' --> 'home'