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  • Chad Versace's avatar
    waffle: Fix waffle_*_get_native functions · b072d9ee
    Chad Versace authored
    This patch fixes all waffle_*_get_native functions for glx, x11_egl, and
    wayland. The functions never did work because I incorrectly implemented
    them like this:
        union waffle_native_display*
            struct waffle_glx_display *n_dpy = malloc(sizeof(*n_dpy));
            [fill n_dpy];
            return (union waffle_native_display*) n_dpy;
    That implementation would have been correct if the union were defined as:
        union waffle_native_display {
            struct waffle_glx_display glx;
    Instead, the union is defined as:
        union waffle_native_display {
            struct waffle_glx_display *glx;
    Therefore, the correct implementation looks like this, modulo error
        union waffle_native_display*
            union waffle_native_display *n_dpy = malloc(sizeof(*n_dpy));
            n_dpy->glx = malloc(sizeof(*n_dpy->glx));
            [fill n_dpy->glx];
            return n_dpy;
    Signed-off-by: default avatarChad Versace <>