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  • Kenneth Graunke's avatar
    Make valgrind testing a command line option rather than extra tests. · fefa962e
    Kenneth Graunke authored
    Valgrind testing is useful, but really should be done as a separate
    exercise from the usual regression testing, as it takes way too long.
    Rather than including it by default in all.tests and making people
    exclude it with the -x valgrind option (or by using quick.tests), it
    makes sense to explicitly request valgrind testing with --valgrind.
    To perform valgrind testing:
    $ --valgrind <options> tests/quick.tests results/vg-1
    The ExecTest class now handles Valgrind wrapping natively, rather than
    relying on the tests/valgrind-test/valgrind-test shell script wrapper.
    This provides a huge benefit: we can leverage the interpretResult()
    function to make it work properly for any subclass of ExecTest.  The
    old shell script only worked for PlainExecTest (piglit) and GleanTest.
    Another small benefit is that you can now use --valgrind with any test
    profile (such as quick.tests).  Also, you can use all.tests without
    having to remember to specify "-x valgrind".
    Signed-off-by: Kenneth Graunke's avatarKenneth Graunke <>