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  • Andres Gomez's avatar
    arb_enhanced_layouts: add aliasing tests with mixed type widths · 140cb0ee
    Andres Gomez authored
    Added tests which check component aliasing between types that have
    different bit widths.
    From Section 4.4.1 (Input Layout Qualifiers) of the GLSL 4.60 spec:
        "Further, when location aliasing, the aliases sharing the location
         must have the same underlying numerical type and bit
         width (floating-point or integer, 32-bit versus 64-bit, etc.)
         and the same auxiliary storage and interpolation
         qualification. The one exception where component aliasing is
         permitted is for two input variables (not block members) to a
         vertex shader, which are allowed to have component aliasing. This
         vertex-variable component aliasing is intended only to support
         vertex shaders where each execution path accesses at most one
         input per each aliased component. Implementations are permitted,
         but not required, to generate link-time errors if they detect
         that every path through the vertex shader executable accesses
         multiple inputs aliased to any single component."
    Cc: Timothy Arceri <>
    Cc: Iago Toral Quiroga <>
    Cc: Ilia Mirkin <>
    Signed-off-by: default avatarAndres Gomez <>
    Reviewed-by: default avatarJuan A. Suarez <>