osmesa gallium build with scons on windows is missing a lot of GL* symbols
Submitted by Andreas Fänger
Assigned to mes..@..op.org
Created attachment 122219 dumpbin-osmesa-git-gallium
The osmesa.dll (gallium) build with scons on windows is missing a lot of symbols. It seems that only the OpenGL<2.0 symbols are contained in the dll.
dumpbin /EXPORTS mesa-git\build\windows-x86\gallium\targets\osmesa\osmesa.dll
in total there are 336 gl* symbols. E.g. glClear or glVertex3d. However, glCreateProgram or glCreateShader is missing.
The classic osmesa.dll (swrast) contain many more symbols: dumpbin /EXPORTS mesa-10.5.9\build\windows-x86\mesa\drivers\osmesa\osmesa.dll
in total there are 1436 gl* symbols. For example, it contains glCreateProgram, glCreateProgramObjectARB, glCreateShader, glCreateShaderObjectARB, glCreateShaderProgramEXT and glCreateTextures.
I'v attached the dumpbin output of both dll's
Attachment 122219, "dumpbin-osmesa-git-gallium":
Version: git