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aco: implement storage_8bit / storage_16bit capabilities

Daniel Schürmann requested to merge daniel-schuermann/mesa:aco_storage into master

This MR does the major part of handling sub-dword variables in

  • aco_ir: extend the IR to represent sub-dword variables
  • instruction selection: conversion operations, load/store sub-dword variables
  • register allocation: allocate partial registers
  • lower_to_hw: emit SDWA instructions to shuffle sub-dword registers

This MR does enable storage_8/16bit despite these reasons:

  • storage16_input_output is not yet implemented
  • lower_to_hw is not yet capable to do swaps with sub-dword registers involved.
  • SDWA is not supported on SI/CI, so we need to either work around that or leave them out.
  • Doom Eternal needs these extensions


Test run totals:
  Passed:        1719/3405 (50.5%)
  Failed:        0/3405 (0.0%)
  Not supported: 1686/3405 (49.5%)
Edited by Daniel Schürmann

Merge request reports
