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radeonsi: VCE/UVD encoding rework

David Rosca requested to merge nowrep/mesa:uvd-encrework into main

What does this MR do and why?

Encoding rework for VCE and UVD and implementing additional features that were only supported for VCN before.

VCE and UVD:

  • App DPB management (long term references, P hierarchy, reference invalidation, ...)
  • Slice encoding (128 maximum slices)
  • VBAQ
  • Quality presets (Speed, Balanced, Quality)
  • Min/Max QP
  • Max frame size
  • Intra refresh
  • Raw packed headers

UVD only:

  • Pre-Encode
  • Temporal layer rate control

First commit moves bitstream encoding functions from radeon_vcn_enc to radeon_bitstream, which is now used for VCE/UVD too. Also includes some small fixes and cleanups.

Edited by David Rosca

Merge request reports
