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intel/brw: Add and use SHADER_OPCODE_SEND_GATHER in Xe3

Caio Oliveira requested to merge cmarcelo/mesa:brw-send-gather into main

On top of intel/brw: Add encoding support for ARF scalar ... (!32236 - merged).

Xe3 adds a variant of SEND that can take various non-contiguous GRFs instead of one or two contiguous spans. This is encoded by setting the register numbers into the ARF scalar register and passing that as source to the SEND.

This allows the payload to be "broken" into smaller pieces that can be further optimized, which may result in

  • less register pressure (no need to contiguous space), and
  • less instructions (no need to MOV to such space).

This MR adds a new opcode, and apply it to existing SENDs that potentially can benefit from it (brw_fs_opt_send_to_send_gather()). After register allocation is done, they are lowered (brw_lower_send_gather_inst()) by either

  • adding the move to the ARF scalar register with the correct register numbers;
  • if the registers are spread into one or two contiguous spans, fallback to a split send.

The "fallback" is important since there's a cost associated with GATHER, which is the extra instruction(s) to write the ARF scalar register.

An early attempted at this MR was focused on adding a single MULTI_SEND that would also perform some of the roles from LOAD_PAYLOAD. That didn't work well, in summary because was trying to do everything at the same time. I think is still a good idea to have some sort of MULTI_SEND in the future, but maybe this time keeping the LOAD_PAYLOAD around.

Fossil-DB numbers (2025-01-23)
*** Shaders only in 'after' results are ignored:
steam-dxvk/hogwarts_legacy/2e8a19f87d3ac31d/fs.32/0, steam-dxvk/hogwarts_legacy/dcf5ea29d77c7997/fs.32/0, steam-dxvk/batman_arkham_origins/849a667532e71382/fs.32/0, steam-dxvk/hogwarts_legacy/754977f13ae6182b/fs.32/0, steam-dxvk/dying_light_2/11c8a9d6c9ab0c26/fs.32/0, and 1855 more
from 26 apps: benchmarks/3dmark_disco, benchmarks/gravity_mark, demos/shooter_demo_g2, demos/spaceship_demo_ue5, steam-dxvk/CivilizationVI, steam-dxvk/alan_wake, steam-dxvk/assassins_creed_odyssey...

*** Shaders only in 'before' results are ignored:
steam-dxvk/batman_arkham_origins/3e10858b8ee14eb9/fs.32/0, steam-dxvk/batman_arkham_origins/01a12e62954eba77/fs.32/0, steam-dxvk/f1_22_abu_dhabi/05b05c652030b307/fs.32/0, steam-dxvk/batman_arkham_city_goty/5d4ce53dfd3a5e0d/fs.32/0, steam-dxvk/batman_arkham_origins/160f706af6a2e7e7/fs.32/0, and 442 more
from 22 apps: demos/shooter_demo_g2, demos/spaceship_demo_ue5, steam-dxvk/age_of_wonders_III, steam-dxvk/alan_wake, steam-dxvk/assassins_creed_odyssey, steam-dxvk/batman_arkham_city_goty, steam-dxvk/batman_arkham_origins...

Instrs: 205496497 -> 205318964 (-0.09%); split: -1.70%, +1.61%
Subgroup size: 14191200 -> 14244240 (+0.37%)
Cycle count: 26206544670 -> 26379226418 (+0.66%); split: -1.36%, +2.02%
Spill count: 380038 -> 113285 (-70.19%); split: -70.54%, +0.35%
Fill count: 479128 -> 217651 (-54.57%); split: -56.98%, +2.41%
Scratch Memory Size: 28083200 -> 9758720 (-65.25%); split: -65.35%, +0.10%
Max live registers: 64431778 -> 59613435 (-7.48%); split: -7.48%, +0.00%

Totals from 704058 (99.87% of 704981) affected shaders:
Instrs: 205451151 -> 205273618 (-0.09%); split: -1.70%, +1.61%
Subgroup size: 14173248 -> 14226288 (+0.37%)
Cycle count: 26204798762 -> 26377480510 (+0.66%); split: -1.36%, +2.02%
Spill count: 380038 -> 113285 (-70.19%); split: -70.54%, +0.35%
Fill count: 479128 -> 217651 (-54.57%); split: -56.98%, +2.41%
Scratch Memory Size: 28083200 -> 9758720 (-65.25%); split: -65.35%, +0.10%
Max live registers: 64406362 -> 59588019 (-7.48%); split: -7.48%, +0.00%

 PERCENTAGE DELTAS                       Shaders   Instrs  Subgroup size Cycle count Spill count Fill count Scratch Memory Size Max live registers
 benchmarks/3dmark_disco                 1020      -0.82%        .          -2.79%     -10.85%     -21.08%        -73.47%             -10.91%
 benchmarks/aztec_ruins_high             224       +3.15%      +0.35%       +5.71%      -1.05%     -11.00%         -1.52%             -5.87%
 benchmarks/geekbench5                   768       +2.45%        .          +0.09%        .           .              .                   .
 benchmarks/gravity_mark                 271       +4.62%      +1.38%       +5.79%      -0.62%     -1.81%          +3.23%             -5.80%
 demos/shooter_demo_g2                   274       +2.12%        .          +2.60%        .           .              .                -6.69%
 demos/spaceship_demo_ue5                952       +1.25%        .          +0.72%      -1.52%     -0.72%          -4.58%             -5.81%
 steam-dxvk/CivilizationVI               405       +1.44%        .          +2.15%        .           .              .                -7.46%
 steam-dxvk/age_of_empires_II_2013       128       +4.23%        .          +1.16%        .           .              .                -14.29%
 steam-dxvk/age_of_wonders_III           1485      +1.87%        .          +1.81%        .           .              .                -11.13%
 steam-dxvk/alan_wake                    10198     +1.13%        .         +10.92%        .           .              .                -12.91%
 steam-dxvk/assassins_creed_odyssey      1972      +1.02%      +0.31%       +3.81%     -18.31%     -21.35%        -39.50%             -6.32%
 steam-dxvk/batman_arkham_city_goty      164585    +2.97%        .         +11.57%     -98.90%     -98.09%        -98.72%             -7.91%
 steam-dxvk/batman_arkham_origins        239029    +0.85%        .          +0.46%        .           .              .                -6.07%
 steam-dxvk/borderlands_3                1864      +1.29%        .          +0.42%     -86.25%     -83.18%        -71.43%             -6.66%
 steam-dxvk/cyberpunk_2077               563       +1.89%        .          +0.83%      +3.87%     +3.68%          -1.62%             -0.89%
 steam-dxvk/dark_souls_3_dxvk_g2         1160      +1.36%        .          +0.34%        .           .              .                -6.49%
 steam-dxvk/dying_light_2                11523     +3.16%        .         +18.44%      -9.43%     -52.05%        -11.11%             -14.05%
 steam-dxvk/f1_22_abu_dhabi              20626     +1.02%      +0.03%       +1.01%     -51.89%     -58.69%        -37.63%             -7.37%
 steam-dxvk/fallout_4_dxvk_g2            1465      +1.95%        .          +0.93%      -1.39%     +7.36%            .                -7.50%
 steam-dxvk/far_cry_new_dawn             2073      +1.26%        .          +0.78%     -24.05%     -19.27%        -33.33%             -5.49%
 steam-dxvk/hitman_3                     1790      +0.77%      +0.36%       +1.77%      -9.93%     -0.07%          -9.84%             -8.77%
 steam-dxvk/hogwarts_legacy              109230    -4.64%      +2.31%       +4.10%     -77.66%     -64.35%        -74.02%             -10.07%
 steam-dxvk/octopath_traveler            17401     +1.57%      +0.00%       +1.89%        .           .              .                -8.93%
 steam-dxvk/strange_brigade              3988      +1.26%      +0.04%       +1.72%        .           .              .                -4.65%
 steam-dxvk/total_war_warhammer3         7919      -1.07%        .          +0.63%     -38.21%     -32.13%        -46.39%             -6.56%
 steam-dxvk/witcher_3_dxvk_g2            908       -0.02%        .          +6.11%     -47.58%     -33.66%        -44.44%             -6.03%
 steam-native/doom_2016_g2               940       +1.46%        .          -1.41%        .           .              .                -5.34%
 steam-native/dota2_g2                   1345      +1.39%        .          +6.53%        .           .              .                -11.91%
 steam-native/red_dead_redemption2       5283      -0.14%      +0.06%       -1.42%     -45.03%     -30.41%        -23.99%             -7.20%
 steam-native/rise_of_the_tomb_raider_g2 146       +2.06%      +0.52%       -3.77%     +37.50%     +22.50%        +66.67%             -4.61%
 steam-native/shadow_of_the_tomb_raider  90813     +0.93%      +0.00%       +0.99%      +8.70%     +8.70%            .                -4.34%
 steam-native/strange_brigade            2082      +1.44%      +0.04%       +1.28%        .           .              .                -3.67%
 steam-native/talos_g2                   1041      +0.43%        .          +5.63%        .           .              .                -5.70%
 steam-native/total_war_warhammer2       425       +0.81%      +0.18%       +0.03%     -86.11%     -77.14%        -66.67%             -5.62%
 steam-native/wolfenstein_youngblood     613       +1.32%        .          +0.61%        .           .              .                -3.00%
 unicom                                  472       +0.97%      +0.15%       +2.48%     -18.24%     -29.34%        -75.00%             -5.76%
 All affected                            704058    -0.09%      +0.37%       +0.66%     -70.19%     -54.57%        -65.25%             -7.48%
 Total                                   704981    -0.09%      +0.37%       +0.66%     -70.19%     -54.57%        -65.25%             -7.48%
Fossil-DB numbers (2025-01-30), VRT already landed so we see improvements as 'GRF registers' count
*** Shaders only in 'after' results are ignored:
steam-dxvk/total_war_warhammer3/d13b630560a17c9b/fs.32/0, steam-dxvk/far_cry_new_dawn/2cc94a6a55b82e7f/fs.32/0, steam-dxvk/hogwarts_legacy/2cadc7ce785bc7ed/fs.32/0, steam-dxvk/total_war_warhammer3/dbc85aaa69b38545/fs.32/0, steam-dxvk/hogwarts_legacy/e9724f69caf8472e/fs.32/0, and 83 more
from 7 apps: demos/spaceship_demo_ue5, steam-dxvk/borderlands_3, steam-dxvk/f1_22_abu_dhabi, steam-dxvk/far_cry_new_dawn, steam-dxvk/hogwarts_legacy, steam-dxvk/total_war_warhammer3, steam-native/red_dead_redemption2

*** Shaders only in 'before' results are ignored:
steam-dxvk/hogwarts_legacy/c72645c68d5b4dac/fs.16/0, steam-dxvk/total_war_warhammer3/8304d64f4606073d/fs.16/0, steam-dxvk/hogwarts_legacy/24ae9f27eed0ae73/fs.32/0, steam-dxvk/total_war_warhammer3/339323212a878c76/fs.16/0, steam-dxvk/hogwarts_legacy/66e05b66768ae110/fs.16/0, and 83 more
from 7 apps: demos/spaceship_demo_ue5, steam-dxvk/borderlands_3, steam-dxvk/f1_22_abu_dhabi, steam-dxvk/far_cry_new_dawn, steam-dxvk/hogwarts_legacy, steam-dxvk/total_war_warhammer3, steam-native/red_dead_redemption2

Instrs: 166479853 -> 167926267 (+0.87%); split: -0.89%, +1.76%
Subgroup size: 12684400 -> 12745184 (+0.48%)
Cycle count: 28311565622 -> 28829826724 (+1.83%); split: -0.51%, +2.34%
Spill count: 105086 -> 14637 (-86.07%); split: -86.96%, +0.89%
Fill count: 121341 -> 18441 (-84.80%); split: -85.98%, +1.18%
Scratch Memory Size: 8421376 -> 2099200 (-75.07%); split: -75.46%, +0.39%
Max live registers: 64786181 -> 60120005 (-7.20%); split: -7.22%, +0.01%
GRF registers: 43509397 -> 40371436 (-7.21%); split: -7.35%, +0.14%
GRF blocks: 1139573 -> 1027132 (-9.87%); split: -10.03%, +0.17%

Totals from 531093 (99.91% of 531559) affected shaders:
Instrs: 166468857 -> 167915271 (+0.87%); split: -0.89%, +1.76%
Subgroup size: 12669744 -> 12730528 (+0.48%)
Cycle count: 28310754008 -> 28829015110 (+1.83%); split: -0.51%, +2.34%
Spill count: 105086 -> 14637 (-86.07%); split: -86.96%, +0.89%
Fill count: 121341 -> 18441 (-84.80%); split: -85.98%, +1.18%
Scratch Memory Size: 8421376 -> 2099200 (-75.07%); split: -75.46%, +0.39%
Max live registers: 64773322 -> 60107146 (-7.20%); split: -7.22%, +0.01%
GRF registers: 43501405 -> 40363444 (-7.21%); split: -7.35%, +0.14%
GRF blocks: 1139557 -> 1027116 (-9.87%); split: -10.03%, +0.17%

 PERCENTAGE DELTAS                       Shaders   Instrs  Subgroup size Cycle count Spill count Fill count Scratch Memory Size Max live registers GRF registers GRF blocks
 benchmarks/3dmark_disco                 754       +0.84%        .          +4.89%        .           .              .                -12.08%          -5.99%      -3.98%
 benchmarks/aztec_ruins_high             172       +6.72%        .          +0.55%        .           .              .                -7.30%           -3.69%      -3.33%
 benchmarks/geekbench5                   768       +2.44%        .          +0.01%        .           .              .                   .             -0.16%         .
 benchmarks/gravity_mark                 254       +5.35%        .          +9.10%        .           .              .                -6.77%           -6.95%      -10.77%
 demos/shooter_demo_g2                   216       +2.21%        .          +1.48%        .           .              .                -7.00%           -5.67%      -9.26%
 demos/spaceship_demo_ue5                820       +1.42%      +0.22%       -1.54%        .           .              .                -5.70%           -4.08%      -3.61%
 steam-dxvk/CivilizationVI               322       +1.55%        .          +1.29%        .           .              .                -7.02%           -7.01%      -10.54%
 steam-dxvk/age_of_empires_II_2013       113       +4.74%        .          +3.50%        .           .              .                -14.99%          -9.94%      -40.00%
 steam-dxvk/age_of_wonders_III           1135      +1.96%        .          +0.54%        .           .              .                -12.41%          -8.84%      -16.38%
 steam-dxvk/alan_wake                    7759      +1.41%        .          +5.69%        .           .              .                -14.50%          -9.83%      -14.76%
 steam-dxvk/assassins_creed_odyssey      1603      +1.39%        .          +0.56%        .           .              .                -5.72%           -3.42%      -3.70%
 steam-dxvk/batman_arkham_city_goty      135686    +3.19%        .          +3.99%        .           .              .                -6.38%           -9.42%      -13.98%
 steam-dxvk/batman_arkham_origins        164193    +0.99%        .          +0.55%        .           .              .                -7.94%           -5.13%      -3.59%
 steam-dxvk/borderlands_3                1456      +1.50%        .          -0.32%        .           .              .                -6.98%           -5.30%      -4.15%
 steam-dxvk/cyberpunk_2077               558       +2.47%        .          +0.89%      +9.00%     +8.30%          +1.82%             -0.88%           -0.81%      -0.21%
 steam-dxvk/dark_souls_3_dxvk_g2         917       +1.29%        .          +0.70%        .           .              .                -6.17%           -4.96%      -6.94%
 steam-dxvk/dying_light_2                7898      +2.45%        .          +3.17%        .           .              .                -14.96%         -12.42%      -13.94%
 steam-dxvk/f1_22_abu_dhabi              14967     +0.12%      +0.01%       +2.14%        .           .              .                -8.18%           -9.24%      -10.90%
 steam-dxvk/fallout_4_dxvk_g2            1056      +1.82%        .          +2.79%        .           .              .                -9.08%           -7.29%      -13.55%
 steam-dxvk/far_cry_new_dawn             1570      +1.06%        .          -0.48%        .           .              .                -5.74%           -6.52%      -8.78%
 steam-dxvk/hitman_3                     1455      +1.05%      +0.08%       +1.87%        .           .              .                -8.45%           -7.23%      -9.90%
 steam-dxvk/hogwarts_legacy              81619     -1.85%      +3.11%       +4.22%     -99.49%     -99.69%        -99.42%             -9.78%           -8.88%      -10.36%
 steam-dxvk/octopath_traveler            13071     +1.58%        .          +1.13%        .           .              .                -9.16%           -6.02%      -14.19%
 steam-dxvk/strange_brigade              2971      +1.52%        .          +0.43%        .           .              .                -5.22%           -2.70%      -6.60%
 steam-dxvk/total_war_warhammer3         6336      +0.41%        .          -8.51%        .           .              .                -6.36%           -3.52%      -4.96%
 steam-dxvk/witcher_3_dxvk_g2            674       +0.78%        .         +17.72%        .           .              .                -6.49%           -4.69%      -5.65%
 steam-native/doom_2016_g2               706       +1.01%        .          +1.73%        .           .              .                -5.49%           -4.39%      -5.68%
 steam-native/dota2_g2                   976       +1.62%        .          +1.47%        .           .              .                -12.14%         -10.79%      -13.34%
 steam-native/red_dead_redemption2       4448      +1.17%        .          +2.45%        .           .              .                -7.16%           -5.67%      -7.59%
 steam-native/rise_of_the_tomb_raider_g2 128       +1.59%        .          -0.78%        .           .              .                -4.26%           -2.11%      -1.78%
 steam-native/shadow_of_the_tomb_raider  73847     +0.96%        .          +0.69%        .           .              .                -3.96%           -3.51%      -7.67%
 steam-native/strange_brigade            1547      +1.67%        .          +0.54%        .           .              .                -4.12%           -2.01%      -1.32%
 steam-native/talos_g2                   760       +0.74%        .          +0.90%        .           .              .                -6.32%           -5.85%      -6.65%
 steam-native/total_war_warhammer2       306       +1.05%        .          +0.07%        .           .              .                -6.66%           -3.07%      -4.14%
 steam-native/wolfenstein_youngblood     498       +0.74%        .          -2.65%        .           .              .                -2.77%           -3.03%      -2.87%
 All affected                            531093    +0.87%      +0.48%       +1.83%     -86.07%     -84.80%        -75.07%             -7.20%           -7.21%      -9.87%
 Total                                   531559    +0.87%      +0.48%       +1.83%     -86.07%     -84.80%        -75.07%             -7.20%           -7.21%      -9.87%
Edited by Caio Oliveira

Merge request reports
