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aco/optimizer: label fcanonicalize like a copy if there is nothing to flush

Georg Lehmann requested to merge DadSchoorse/mesa:aco-canonicalized-to-copy into main

Allows copy propagation into non alu instructions like phis.

Foz-DB Navi21:
Totals from 138 (0.17% of 79395) affected shaders:
Instrs: 308135 -> 307792 (-0.11%); split: -0.12%, +0.01%
CodeSize: 1567924 -> 1566484 (-0.09%); split: -0.10%, +0.01%
VGPRs: 9696 -> 9720 (+0.25%)
Latency: 1162719 -> 1161663 (-0.09%); split: -0.10%, +0.00%
InvThroughput: 256944 -> 256590 (-0.14%); split: -0.15%, +0.01%
VClause: 5631 -> 5626 (-0.09%); split: -0.14%, +0.05%
Copies: 29962 -> 30028 (+0.22%); split: -0.10%, +0.32%
Branches: 8241 -> 8237 (-0.05%)
PreVGPRs: 7800 -> 7797 (-0.04%)
VALU: 216243 -> 215898 (-0.16%); split: -0.17%, +0.01%
SALU: 30768 -> 30767 (-0.00%)

Merge request reports
