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aco: don't byte align global VMEM loads if it might be unsafe

Rhys Perry requested to merge pendingchaos/mesa:aco_global_bytealign_fix into main

Using the byte align path can be unsafe even when 12 byte loads are supported.

fossil-db (navi21):

Totals from 185 (0.23% of 79395) affected shaders:
Instrs: 391501 -> 391575 (+0.02%); split: -0.03%, +0.05%
CodeSize: 2147336 -> 2147672 (+0.02%); split: -0.03%, +0.05%
Latency: 3762613 -> 3860941 (+2.61%); split: -0.01%, +2.62%
InvThroughput: 871429 -> 888013 (+1.90%); split: -0.08%, +1.98%
VClause: 9712 -> 10210 (+5.13%)
Copies: 53775 -> 53010 (-1.42%); split: -1.46%, +0.04%
VALU: 254009 -> 252146 (-0.73%)
SALU: 56698 -> 56699 (+0.00%); split: -0.00%, +0.00%
VMEM: 18503 -> 19601 (+5.93%)

Merge request reports
