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aco: remove heuristic that restricts VOP2/C with 2 sgprs

Georg Lehmann requested to merge DadSchoorse/mesa:what-does-this-do into main

Looking at the stats, the slightly increased code size isn't a problem compared to the benefits. This also only affects gfx10+, and those generations aren't throughput limited by 64bit instructions like early gcn.

Foz-DB Navi21:
Totals from 12377 (15.59% of 79395) affected shaders:
MaxWaves: 269323 -> 269857 (+0.20%); split: +0.23%, -0.03%
Instrs: 16505304 -> 16472552 (-0.20%); split: -0.21%, +0.01%
CodeSize: 89815804 -> 90130344 (+0.35%); split: -0.02%, +0.37%
VGPRs: 661160 -> 658640 (-0.38%); split: -0.40%, +0.02%
SpillSGPRs: 3032 -> 3049 (+0.56%)
SpillVGPRs: 826 -> 796 (-3.63%)
Latency: 145800231 -> 145818568 (+0.01%); split: -0.14%, +0.15%
InvThroughput: 39026010 -> 38892467 (-0.34%); split: -0.36%, +0.02%
VClause: 325693 -> 325992 (+0.09%); split: -0.12%, +0.21%
SClause: 497938 -> 497208 (-0.15%); split: -0.23%, +0.08%
Copies: 1239036 -> 1204045 (-2.82%); split: -2.90%, +0.07%
Branches: 462952 -> 462934 (-0.00%); split: -0.01%, +0.00%
PreSGPRs: 586066 -> 587558 (+0.25%)
PreVGPRs: 550024 -> 547736 (-0.42%)
VALU: 11147608 -> 11114528 (-0.30%); split: -0.31%, +0.01%
SALU: 2105546 -> 2105131 (-0.02%); split: -0.03%, +0.01%
VMEM: 575983 -> 575923 (-0.01%)

Foz-DB Navi31:
Totals from 11544 (14.54% of 79395) affected shaders:
MaxWaves: 319612 -> 319804 (+0.06%)
Instrs: 17563158 -> 17527341 (-0.20%); split: -0.22%, +0.02%
CodeSize: 92366832 -> 92626280 (+0.28%); split: -0.03%, +0.31%
VGPRs: 667620 -> 665484 (-0.32%); split: -0.33%, +0.01%
SpillSGPRs: 3418 -> 3434 (+0.47%)
SpillVGPRs: 896 -> 858 (-4.24%)
Scratch: 4738048 -> 4736512 (-0.03%)
Latency: 141366653 -> 141399756 (+0.02%); split: -0.10%, +0.12%
InvThroughput: 26213994 -> 26165751 (-0.18%); split: -0.21%, +0.03%
VClause: 307956 -> 308124 (+0.05%); split: -0.12%, +0.18%
SClause: 477816 -> 477326 (-0.10%); split: -0.18%, +0.08%
Copies: 1161148 -> 1129386 (-2.74%); split: -2.81%, +0.08%
Branches: 411509 -> 411506 (-0.00%); split: -0.00%, +0.00%
PreSGPRs: 531354 -> 535027 (+0.69%)
PreVGPRs: 525201 -> 521861 (-0.64%)
VALU: 10360363 -> 10330274 (-0.29%); split: -0.30%, +0.01%
SALU: 1778044 -> 1777585 (-0.03%); split: -0.04%, +0.01%
VMEM: 551379 -> 551303 (-0.01%)
VOPD: 3539 -> 3471 (-1.92%); split: +0.14%, -2.06%

Merge request reports
