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More than halve the size of test-vk containers

Daniel Stone requested to merge daniels/mesa:teetotal into main

The radv-raven and lavapipe trace jobs were using Wine from a DXVK install: lavapipe had a single post-merge trace running, and raven had all but one trace disabled due to being flaky. We also had Wine installed from stock Debian, which was not used by anyone.

b2c added a third Wine installation (Proton) for its trace jobs. Remove the unused variants of Wine; if we want to bring back more Windows traces on Raven or lavapipe, we can hopefully do it with Proton.

There was quite a bit of other low-hanging fruit lying around in the container image as well: system-installed VA-API/VDPAU/Vulkan drivers, part of a Rust toolchain, a C linker, 180MB of debug info for the Vulkan validation layers, etc. Compressing the 400MB Vulkan mustpass caselist to 9MB - and removing a few I/O cycles as well - is a further improvement.

This reduces the x86-64 test-vk container - unpacked on every swrast/b2c test job - from 3.6GB to 1.6GB. 700MB of that is still a Proton installation which is unused on the vast majority of jobs, but it's an improvement at least.

Edited by Daniel Stone

Merge request reports
