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meson: improve LLVM ORCJIT and TLSDESC handling

WÁNG Xuěruì requested to merge xen0n/mesa:meson-tweaks into main

What does this MR do and why?

This MR fixes two papercuts during feature probing right now:

  • LLVM ORCJIT needs to be explicitly enabled even for architectures without LLVM MCJIT support;
  • The correct CFLAGS enabling TLSDESC for aarch64, loongarch64 and riscv64, -mtls-dialect=desc, is not supported by the automatic probing.

With the changes upstreamed, distro packagers would have less architecture-specific tweaks to maintain -- the two features will work with zero build recipe change.

Tested on Gentoo amd64 and loong.

Edited by WÁNG Xuěruì

Merge request reports
