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freedreno/a6xx: avoid sw transfer path

Rob Clark requested to merge robclark/mesa:fd/more-formats into main

Some apps (like firefox and chromium) seem to like to create textures with internal format GL_RGBA8 but then upload GL_BGRA to them. If the app were a bit more clever it could hit the memcpy path. But fallback sw conversion (convert_ubytes()) is slow. If we are going to have to make this extra copy, do it on the gpu.

edit: since this has the side effect of enabling accelerated pbo transfers, it turned up a surprisingly high # of other issues.

As far as non-driver changes:

  • Fix for nir image_deref_store in pbo download shader
  • Remove the clear_depth_stencil() from util_blitter_stencil_fallback() to avoid recursively entering u_blitter if it is used to implement clear_depth_stencil(). Zink and crocus where already doing their own clears, only d2d12 was depending on the clear in util_blitter_stencil_fallback().
Edited by Rob Clark

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