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aco/live_var_analysis: misc improvements

Daniel Schürmann requested to merge daniel-schuermann/mesa:aco_reg_demand into main

Most of the patches have a slightly positive effect on compile times. For a randomly selected, more or less average shader the live var analysis is about ~15% faster with this series. The first 2 patches have the biggest impact.

I also tried:

  • using a separate memory arena for the temporary live vars and
  • set propagate_on_container_copy_assignment to false and
  • implement an explicit copy-assignment operator for IDSet which doesn't de-allocate the blocks
  • using Temp instead of tempId for the IDSets (this was way worse!) and
  • implement lower_bound() and upper_bound() in order be able access SGPRs vs VGPRs fast
  • implement move-constructor and -assignment for memory_resource to free memory in reindex_vars() (it segfaults, no idea how this works)

Merge request reports
