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nir/opt_algebraic: add patterns for iand/ior of feq with 0

Georg Lehmann requested to merge DadSchoorse/mesa:nir-multi-feq-0 into main
Foz-DB Navi21:
Totals from 1245 (0.92% of 134913) affected shaders:
VGPRs: 66232 -> 66248 (+0.02%); split: -0.01%, +0.04%
CodeSize: 5874976 -> 5868168 (-0.12%); split: -0.17%, +0.05%
MaxWaves: 25278 -> 25274 (-0.02%); split: +0.01%, -0.02%
Instrs: 1087502 -> 1085267 (-0.21%); split: -0.21%, +0.00%
Latency: 6531489 -> 6531672 (+0.00%); split: -0.04%, +0.05%
InvThroughput: 1531774 -> 1532327 (+0.04%); split: -0.02%, +0.05%
VClause: 22218 -> 22202 (-0.07%); split: -0.08%, +0.00%
SClause: 45906 -> 45873 (-0.07%); split: -0.08%, +0.01%
Copies: 64004 -> 64102 (+0.15%); split: -0.24%, +0.39%
Branches: 21529 -> 21534 (+0.02%); split: -0.00%, +0.03%
PreSGPRs: 51936 -> 51850 (-0.17%)
PreVGPRs: 55393 -> 55398 (+0.01%); split: -0.02%, +0.03%
Edited by Georg Lehmann

Merge request reports
