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freedreno, turnip: a605,608,610,612 bringup

Danylo Piliaiev requested to merge Danil/mesa:freedreno/feature/a610 into main

Supersedes !20966 (closed)

a608 is same as a610 judging from dumps obtained via libwrapfake.

a610/a608 have the following things different that are the same on all other gens:

  • 16 VSC pipes, while other models have 32;
  • A difference in one flag in HLSQ_CONTROL_1;
  • A difference in depth and color ccu cache sizes;
  • ??? In dumps I saw a write into 0x8e09 at command buffer setup, this reg is considered invalid in our definition.
Edited by Danylo Piliaiev

Merge request reports