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turnip: Lazily call tu6_emit_descriptor_sets() at draw time.

Emma Anholt requested to merge anholt/mesa:tu-lazy-desc-state into main
This lets us batch up the state changes from multiple
vkCmdBindDescriptorSets, which ANGLE and zink will both do in a single

Improves ANGLE (sysmem) driver_overhead perf by 5.18806% +/- 1.03444% (n=5).
Improves ANGLE aztec_ruins_high perf by ~.3%. (clear result in the graph,
but the screen went to sleep mid way through and so it was high variance)

This MR is based on !19849 (merged) because that gave us tu6_emit_descriptor_sets(), which I just had to move the call for.

Merge request reports