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intel: split vulkan driver between gfx7/8 and above

Lionel Landwerlin requested to merge llandwerlin/mesa:mesa-vk-gen7 into main

This MR creates a new driver for Gfx7/8 platforms.

There are multiple reasons we would like to do this :

  • there is a cognitive burden for developers to implement new features with sometimes differing code path for old/new HW
  • there are performance implication of maintaining a common code path for 2 different HW :
    • in particular in the submission path, a bunch of code & checks could just be removed if we don't have to care about non-softpin platforms
  • testing is also problematic on older platforms, we're running into kernel instabilities while running CTS on our CI system

While we do not want to just drop support for older platforms, it is easier to have it live in a different location so that we don't break it while making changes for more recent HW.

When looking at where to do the split, @kwg noted that Gfx8 based products have been EOL-ed on ChromeOS. So supporting Gfx9+ on a single driver sounds like the most sensible thing to do.

Both drivers can be installed in parallel and each support a given range of HW platforms, so there should not be any impact on users after this change is merged.

There will be follow up MRs to delete more unused code in the Gfx9+ driver.

Merge request reports