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tu: Use the format list to decide whether we can do UBWC with MUTABLE.

Emma Anholt requested to merge anholt/mesa:tu-zink-format-list into main

The goal here is to allow zink and ANGLE to switch sRGB on and off, but keep UBWC enabled for most textures.

This doesn't quite work yet for zink on gbm, where zink asks the device if it supports a UBWC-modifier image with unorm+sRGB mutable formats (yes), but then doesn't pass the unorm+sRGB format list to vkImageCreate(), which then asserts because it couldn't make a general VK_IMAGE_CREATE_MUTABLE_FORMAT_BIT UBWC image.

The format list here comes from Danylo's testing in !17278 (comment 1447812)

Merge request reports