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Draft: dzn: Add missing bits to support vk 1.1

Boris Brezillon requested to merge bbrezillon/mesa:dzn-vk-1.1 into main

Marked as WIP because we're lacking support for at least 2 features:

  1. mutable image formats. That feature is actually supposed to be working in 1.0, but KHR_maintenance2 (which is part of vk 1.1) adds support for compressed -> uncompressed format casting. Unfortunately, this requires the new D3D12 format casting feature, which WARP doesn't support yet.
  2. KHR_multi_view: I thought this was optional, but it's actually required. Needs more work to get that functional

I think commits prefixed with [HACK] shouldn't be merged until we fully support the required extensions, but that's open to debate. The one with [RFC] prefix should probably be improved, but I'd like to have some feedback before doing the modifications.

Also reverted the commits disabling windows-CI so we can get of feel of how much failures we have.

/cc @jenatali @kusma @lfrb

/cc @jekstrand for vulkan/util: Fill VkPhysicalDeviceIDProperties::deviceNodeMask

Edited by Boris Brezillon

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